Today, June 13th, is National Sewing Machine Day! If you have on clothes that you didn’t hand stitch together, thank Elias Howe, Isaac Singer, and other sewing machine inventors. If you want a creative, relaxing, productive hobby, try sewing. Especially consider an old treadle machine, if you’re just wanting hobby sewing, rather than becoming a clothing seamstress.
If you are a seamstress or creative, or love sewing machines or antiques, take a browse through my collection. And enjoy a little Soul Care!
Here are my ladies. Each picture has a description under it. My current fave to use lately is the 1929 White Rotary treadle. But when I’m making clothing, and have a deadline, I revert to my newer electric machines.

The beauty below was to be the first, and only, old “treadle” machine I’d get, 9 years ago. It was the only old machine I ever expected to have. But I didn’t get it then. And when I opened it at that time and took this picture, I found this electric, not treadle, machine in the treadle cabinet. Even though I didn’t get this machine then, I began researching it, a 201-2, and learned that it is praised by many experts as the best machine ever. I knew someday it would actually be mine. And, … I still wanted to get an actual treadle machine.

My research continued, to determine what treadle lady I’d want. After others heard of my interest, I was offered, for free or trade, other old “iron ladies.” Thus began my “Iron Lady” collection journey.
My collection has cost me a LOT in elbow grease and time to restore them, learning how to completely take them apart, clean them up and rebuild them. Thankfully, they’ve not cost me much in $. Each one is special for various reasons. ❤️

I finally received Pamela (minus the cabinet) last year. 😂
Do you sew? Have you ever seen with a treadle? Do you have one? Tell me about your machine.
Subscribe and comment here. And, Join one of my Creative Communities and share your pics there: Freely Whole Creative Community at MeWe or Facebook. Also, Follow me on Instagram @freelywhole and use hashtag #freelywholecreative on your creations
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Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty
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