Hello Spring!

Spring has sprung! Or at least is springing. The snow has melted, though will no doubt return. The Daffodils are poking through, though no where near blooming. Instead, my sprouts are sprouting on my counter. Radish. Almond. And Oat groats. Porch swing days are becoming more plentiful! And today is a lovely day for that. I hope that on this Lord’s Day, first day of Spring, you will also take some time to rest and reflect. You will see new life and future hope around you. Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the… Continue reading


While I was convalescing last month, I had plenty of time to think of direction, focus, goals. I’d already made some decisions that would make a change going forward. I thought that specific path of change would begin in January, but found that it needed to be postponed for a little longer this year, leaving me in a gap. I’m a recovering overachiever, overthinker, overfunctioner. Having a gap, while looking to move forward, doesn’t sit well on my soul. “God, what do you want me to do in this “gap?” I have goals. I want to move forward with this…. Continue reading