All my grand plans for Christmas crafting have been thwarted. All the clearance priced dies and stamps I’d waited patiently for those prices for, and have been longing to use, sit unopened on my desk.
Time chose to be my enemy. Taunting me with promises of soon, only to present another barrier. The bits of downtime were necessary as truly DOWN time, not creative time.
Beginning just before ThanksGiving, dad’s hospitalization, nursing home move, my business push, concert performances, finals, out of town workshop, … all took priority. The “needs” of life, pushing out the good, enjoyment of life. Yes. Choices. And I don’t regret them.
Finally, this week—my week to create came. Christmas gifts done and wrapped. A week to relax in my studio, I told an instructor of mine. Instead, a bad cold landed me in bed, blocking any creativity.
Today I will spend the day in my studio. Not creating. But rather, cleaning. Preparing for the 27 guests tomorrow. It would be logical to just pack away all the Christmas supplies. To close the door on that unfulfilled desire. To logically submit to the fact that next week holds end-of-year business and finance requirements. The reality that I need to pack up, clear out, sell, everything from my dad’s apartment, ASAP after the holidays.
But I refuse. My Christmas desires may sit on my desk until spring. I will fan the flicker of that desire to create, in those times when Time is the enemy of Passion. Creativity will prevail! Even though the immediate battle be lost, Passion will not be defeated. For the passion for Creativity keeps the Life in Living.
Necessities I squeezed in this month, keeping that flicker going:

24 Personalized Ornaments in handmade bags, for 24 grands

Wishing you a Merry Christmas! May you be granted joyful Time with those you love. And may you beg, borrow or steal from Time to Create with Passion, yet this year.
Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty
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