Since it’s Wednesday, let’s take a look at my desk today, and see my work in progress (WIP). Altered Playing Cards!

May was a hot minute, that flew by every which way, with events and day to day happenings. My school semester ended with various performances—our concert/recital (I was awarded Instrumentalist of the Year), we hosted a concert, and we performed for graduation. Day to day life included my son’s car being hit, home repairs and yard work, and dealing with some trauma issues,—and a restful Mother’s Day with visits with several of my children and a yummy dinner. My caregiving of my dad, who has several critical health issues plus dementia, increased in need. But I did squeeze in some R&R away with family, and some soul care creativity which I will catch up here soon.
For today, I want to show you what I’m currently working on. I’ve been wanting to do Altered Playing Cards for quite a while, but didn’t have a specific plan for their usage, so kept putting it off to do other things. I also had in mind the kind of cards I’d like to find to do this, vintage ladies bridge cards with pretty floral backs—at a cheap price. I wasn’t having any luck—haven’t found any at all.
So I finally decided to just have a play with a few random cards I had on hand, from very incomplete decks. I also found a couple plain decks, and these fun Dr. Seuss Flash Cards at Dollar Tree (now $1.25.) And these “Positive Affirmations” ones at 5 Below, that I’ll break into next.

For my first little batch, collaging and inking are done. Decorating, just started. I’ll, Lord willing, get a tutorial video done and posted. But for now, back to living life, coram deo,

Have you made Altered Playing Cards? We want to see them!
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Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty
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