Bible Journaling Tutorial – Resurrection

He is Risen! Risen indeed! This one event completely changed history, infinitely more than any other. It also completely changed my life—and perhaps yours too. It is the most important event in history—and in my life. I’ve been enjoying creatively journaling this event in my Bible, every year. I’ve created a different style and look in each one. This year’s Resurrection journaling was created with napkin collaging, stamping, and like my previous 2 entries, images from the Free Printable I designed. Supplies needed for this page are: Bible or Journal page—and Protection mat Napkin Collage Medium & brush/applicator Water brush… Continue reading

Survivor Memories

Much of my own Survivor to Thriver story has only been shared at conferences and in private groups thus far. But God continues to open doors to help bring healing to others, through my story and my training in helping abuse and betrayal survivors, and that is what this website was created to do. So… “that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” 2 Corinthians 1:4 It’s interesting to see what comes up in “memories” from the past. (x doesn’t come up directly, as… Continue reading

Daily Word – God Sees

When you are feeling so alone. Unseen. Unheard. God sees. God hears. Not only is His face set on you, it is also set against those who do evil. Since He sets His face against evil. Why would you think He’d want you to stay in it? ❤️❤️‍🩹 Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website.Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community at MeWe or Facebook,and Follow FreelyWhole on… Continue reading


Either is hard. Choose your hard. ❤️‍🩹 Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website.Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community at MeWe or Facebook,and Follow FreelyWhole on Instagram and tag me in your creations #freelywhole

Love & Hugs to Single Moms

Love & hugs to all our single mom peeps here. ❤️ I’m guessing that all, or at least most of you, like me, never ever thought you’d be in this position. We came into our marriages thinking we were going to be great wives and mothers. And we were. Of course, not perfect, but determined to do our best, for him and them. We thought we were going to have great husbands. We thought we were going to raise children in a safe, healthy, and even God-loving home. We thought we were going to have equal help and support in… Continue reading

Hello Spring!

Spring has sprung! Or at least is springing. The snow has melted, though will no doubt return. The Daffodils are poking through, though no where near blooming. Instead, my sprouts are sprouting on my counter. Radish. Almond. And Oat groats. Porch swing days are becoming more plentiful! And today is a lovely day for that. I hope that on this Lord’s Day, first day of Spring, you will also take some time to rest and reflect. You will see new life and future hope around you. Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the… Continue reading

Daily Word – Help

We have no strength. We have no safety. Trouble surrounds us. We constantly face fear. But GOD… He changes everything! ❤️ Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website.Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community at MeWe or Facebook,and Follow FreelyWhole on Instagram and tag me in your creations #freelywhole

Daily Word – Refuge

“You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday… Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place, … He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.”‭‭Psalms‬ ‭91:5-6, 9, 15‬ Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future… Continue reading