Psalm 143 Bible Journaling

Do you spend much time in the Psalms? One purpose of God’s Word is for it to be a comfort to us. But we don’t usually turn to Leviticus to find that solace. In times of deep distress, we perhaps can’t even think where to turn. In that turmoil, we may just open the Bible anywhere and hope that God speaks out, but this Bible roulette may have the opposite effect. Or maybe we just freeze, and don’t turn anywhere—abandoning God’s Word, that’s he’s given us to help us. Crying out to God in our trials with our words is… Continue reading


While I was convalescing last month, I had plenty of time to think of direction, focus, goals. I’d already made some decisions that would make a change going forward. I thought that specific path of change would begin in January, but found that it needed to be postponed for a little longer this year, leaving me in a gap. I’m a recovering overachiever, overthinker, overfunctioner. Having a gap, while looking to move forward, doesn’t sit well on my soul. “God, what do you want me to do in this “gap?” I have goals. I want to move forward with this…. Continue reading

Luke 4:18 – He Has Come

He has come! That is the Good News! With the recent celebration of Advent and Christmas, our minds and hearts have been focused on the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. But he didn’t just come as a baby to live as a human and to die. His death and resurrection, to atone for the sins of His own was His ultimate purpose, but He also came with a ministry purpose in life here on earth. His death and resurrection extended that ministry to those of us that have come much later in HIStory, that didn’t walk the streets of Judea… Continue reading

Creating Life in 2022

hope journal

What do you want to create more of in your life in 2022? Peace?Hope?Health?Joy?Stability?Giving?Finances?Creativity?Restoration?Hygge? That’s a popular concept right now. I’m sure all of us have set New Year resolutions in the past. Lofty goals that “this year I will do it”, and like all other years, within 2 weeks they were dropped. If resolutions work for you, by all means, set some! In the last several years, it’s become popular to choose a Word for the year, something that would be your focus for the whole year. The problem for me with that is we have no idea what… Continue reading

He Restores My Soul

2021 left my creative studio quite neglected–and I missed it! I’ve always called my studio my “happy place”, even when it was just cardboard storage boxes pulled out to the dining table. My creative space has been my place of decompressing from the stresses of life for most of my life. My mom taught me many of the creative arts I’ve done–and that is pretty much all the home arts there are. I enjoyed creating with her as a child. I enjoyed creating with her watching, as I’d pack up a “portable studio” to take to her house when I… Continue reading

Job 14:7 Hope

Today I posted about the Hope we have, as trees before the Lord, Hope that we will sprout again. Here is my Bible Journaling to go along with that. Project supplies: Journal the Word Bible image from online, resized, printed, and traced into my Bible with Micron 01 pen—and notes written Image and Verse colored with: FaberCastell Pitt Artist Pens-Bold: May Green, Dark Phthalo Green, Green Gold Tim Holtz Ditress Paints: Walnut Stain, Twisted Citron Dylusions Paint: Vibrant Turquoise You wouldn’t need all colors. I mixed what I had to get what I wanted. Hope: 110# card stock, previously ink… Continue reading

Hope for a Tree

In the midst of Job’s list of woes, he inadvertently makes a statement that we can draw wisdom and hope from. He is complaining about how hard life is and that we live, have trouble and die. Like a flower we are cut down, and then we’re gone. But then he makes a statement that I think is very pertinent to us as Survivor Warriors. He says basically that trees have it better, “For there is hope for a tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its tender shoots will not cease.” Job, at this point,… Continue reading

Out of the Valley

When life’s been full of darkness, the Valley of the Shadow of Death feels like an endless tunnel. No Light shines forth. Yet I know He is there. He walks with me. He holds me close. He is the Hope that keeps me going, the Hope that Light is there. He will never leave or forsake His beloved children–Me! He protects me. He comforts me. He leads me forth in the dark, step by terrifying step, through the evil. I trust. I Hope. But fear lurks near. Then… A flicker is seen in the far distance. Ever so slight. Ever… Continue reading

Goodbye 2020

I don’t know about you, but I’m happy to see 2020 end. And am overly optimistic to think the changing of the calendar will end all the issues 2020 brought. 🙂 Year end writings tend to be reflective, and this will be just that. Those that follow my ministry know that I’m a mix of musings along with practical tips and info. I find both are necessary in ministry and mentoring. And, at heart, I’m a storyteller. If you’ve followed my ministry of Me & My House over the decades, (since even before there was internet,) you know that much… Continue reading