About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

Christmas Cards in January

Back in November, I ordered supplies to make this year’s Christmas cards. They arrived after Christmas, long after I designed and sent photo cards instead. I decided to make a couple cards this weekend though, before packing my Christmas supplies away, just to play and get a feel for the new supplies. First tries rarely come out exactly like you’d like; that is the point of trying and playing with your supplies. Seeing what they do and look like, and deciding how you want to use them. They are your tools for creativity. Made for practicing and playing. Here’s my… Continue reading

Happy New Year!

Everyone has a story. Perhaps you love your life. Perhaps you don’t like where you’re story seems to be heading. But until you take your final breath, no one really knows what all their story has to tell. Our plots take so many twists and turns that only God knows where they’re leading. But that doesn’t mean we should just let life sweep us along, throwing at us whatever it brings, with no active response from us. The issues of life are meant to strengthen us. We are to learn and grow from them. Although God directs our steps, we… Continue reading

Goodbye 2020

I don’t know about you, but I’m happy to see 2020 end. And am overly optimistic to think the changing of the calendar will end all the issues 2020 brought. 🙂 Year end writings tend to be reflective, and this will be just that. Those that follow my ministry know that I’m a mix of musings along with practical tips and info. I find both are necessary in ministry and mentoring. And, at heart, I’m a storyteller. If you’ve followed my ministry of Me & My House over the decades, (since even before there was internet,) you know that much… Continue reading

Enough is Enough

“If the cost of saving a marriage is destroying a woman, the cost is too high. God loves people more than he loves institutions.” ~ Gary Thomas “Every divorce is the result of sin, but not every divorce is sinful.” ~ Kevin DeYoung  “Another woman told me about putting up with her husband’s appalling behavior for over forty years. I was invited to look in her face, see the struggle, see the heroic perseverance, but also be reminded that counsel has consequences.“ “Jesus said what he said about divorce to protect women, not to imprison them.” Liberty ~ freely whole

Coercive Control

Domestic violence expert, Julie Owens: “Most DV is not just getting hit or physically injured. In fact, the majority of abuse tactics (including many that equate to torture) aren’t even against the law. Partner abuse is much, much more than the cruel things an abuser DOES TO his partner. It is also things he TAKES FROM her – her autonomy, her freedom to come and go as she pleases, her peace of mind, her friends, her personal space, her privacy, her dignity, her financial independence, her sense of self, and so much more. Many victims live under constant siege; like… Continue reading