Daily Word – Love Him

Love Him – Deuteronomy 6:5 God is Love, even when you don’t understand. He created you. He is Worthy. Love Him. Living Coram DeoSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe in the sidebar to get future posts made on this website. On social media, you can: Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page. Or on MeWe. To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community at MeWe or Facebook,and Follow FreelyWhole on Instagram and tag me in your creations #freelywhole

Daily Word

I’ve decided to start sharing my daily passage from God’s Word here (as well as on social media,) in addition to my regular posts here. Even though I don’t always share any commentary or thoughts with them. Even though I may not do it everyday. I hope you find them an encouragement!–and the other freelywhole.com posts too. And I hope that you’ll subscribe (in the sidebar) on freelywhole.com Why posting these here also? And what you can do to help–you and me. 1) Too many friends have lost their social media accounts, due to hacking or lock-outs. Many of them… Continue reading

Hope for a Tree

In the midst of Job’s list of woes, he inadvertently makes a statement that we can draw wisdom and hope from. He is complaining about how hard life is and that we live, have trouble and die. Like a flower we are cut down, and then we’re gone. But then he makes a statement that I think is very pertinent to us as Survivor Warriors. He says basically that trees have it better, “For there is hope for a tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its tender shoots will not cease.” Job, at this point,… Continue reading