Daily Word

I’ve decided to start sharing my daily passage from God’s Word here (as well as on social media,) in addition to my regular posts here. Even though I don’t always share any commentary or thoughts with them. Even though I may not do it everyday. I hope you find them an encouragement!–and the other freelywhole.com posts too. And I hope that you’ll subscribe (in the sidebar) on freelywhole.com Why posting these here also? And what you can do to help–you and me. 1) Too many friends have lost their social media accounts, due to hacking or lock-outs. Many of them… Continue reading


While I was convalescing last month, I had plenty of time to think of direction, focus, goals. I’d already made some decisions that would make a change going forward. I thought that specific path of change would begin in January, but found that it needed to be postponed for a little longer this year, leaving me in a gap. I’m a recovering overachiever, overthinker, overfunctioner. Having a gap, while looking to move forward, doesn’t sit well on my soul. “God, what do you want me to do in this “gap?” I have goals. I want to move forward with this…. Continue reading

Word—Psalm 73

When things are too painful for me, He remains. He is trustworthy. He will judge Righteously. Evil never wins. Though my flesh and heart fail, God holds me and guides me, and is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Trust in Him. He is trustworthy and loves you! Living Coram DeoSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website.Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community at MeWe or Facebook,and Follow FreelyWhole on Instagram and tag me in your creations #freelywhole

Pro 30:8 YHWH Yireh Journaling

YHWH Yireh, My God will Provide! Often, this is the hardest promise of God for many to believe. His failure to provide is many times the greatest fear of DV survivors. It keeps them stuck in the destructive situation, when they need to get out for safety and healing. Others aren’t immune to these fears either. Even for those that this isn’t a fear, it is still to be the prayer of all of us, “Give us this day our daily bread.” In Proverbs 30:8, Agur declared to Ithiel and Ucal his request of God, “Give me neither poverty nor… Continue reading

Luke 4:18 – He Has Come

He has come! That is the Good News! With the recent celebration of Advent and Christmas, our minds and hearts have been focused on the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. But he didn’t just come as a baby to live as a human and to die. His death and resurrection, to atone for the sins of His own was His ultimate purpose, but He also came with a ministry purpose in life here on earth. His death and resurrection extended that ministry to those of us that have come much later in HIStory, that didn’t walk the streets of Judea… Continue reading

Creating Life in 2022

hope journal

What do you want to create more of in your life in 2022? Peace?Hope?Health?Joy?Stability?Giving?Finances?Creativity?Restoration?Hygge? That’s a popular concept right now. I’m sure all of us have set New Year resolutions in the past. Lofty goals that “this year I will do it”, and like all other years, within 2 weeks they were dropped. If resolutions work for you, by all means, set some! In the last several years, it’s become popular to choose a Word for the year, something that would be your focus for the whole year. The problem for me with that is we have no idea what… Continue reading

He Restores My Soul

2021 left my creative studio quite neglected–and I missed it! I’ve always called my studio my “happy place”, even when it was just cardboard storage boxes pulled out to the dining table. My creative space has been my place of decompressing from the stresses of life for most of my life. My mom taught me many of the creative arts I’ve done–and that is pretty much all the home arts there are. I enjoyed creating with her as a child. I enjoyed creating with her watching, as I’d pack up a “portable studio” to take to her house when I… Continue reading

Felicia & Freedom

Felicia is gone. I had a connection with Felicia. I could identify with her. Felicia loved her freedom and loved her home. Several times a day, Felicia would escape the coop. When I was visiting, I’d look out the back window and see Felicia just walking around the backyard enjoying her freedom. She never left the yard though. And when night was coming, Felicia would be found sitting on the roof of the nesting boxes, wanting to be let back in. Back into the safety of her cozy home, with her community of sisters. She’d found a way, unknown to… Continue reading