About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

Daily Word – Hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is an evil thing. Hypocrisy is the practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess. It comes from the Greek idea of an actor, one wearing a mask, to appear to be someone they are not. It is “professing without possessing.” Pretending to love, when you don’t, is an act of malicious deceit, whether the professed love is for God or for another person. Adultery betrayal and other abuse top the list in hypocrisy in marriage. There is no love. Love is without hypocrisy. Sisters, if he’s abusing you or committing adultery, don’t… Continue reading

Daily Word – Wonders

He is faithful. He is true. He has done wonderful things. So praise Him. Living Coram DeoSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website.Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community at MeWe or Facebook,and Follow FreelyWhole on Instagram and tag me in your creations #freelywhole

Daily Word – Good News

Never be ashamed of the Gospel. It is the only thing that can get you from this life to the next. You do not have the power in yourself to do that. Not in your good works. Not in your church service. Not even in your own love. You can do nothing to save you. Only Y’shua the Messiah, Jesus the Christ, can do that. And only through your faith and repentance. Knowing you and your thoughts and ideas are not supreme. They don’t rule; they’re not God. But He is. He is the only One worthy to follow, obey,… Continue reading

Cards from Printables

It’s rare that I make cards with print-outs. I’ve got too big of a stash of patterned papers; and I love inking, stenciling, stamping and die-cutting. But occasionally I have a design in mind and printables are the perfect option. It’s still a satisfying creative endeavor, but usually quite simple to actually make. Find, size and print the images. Cut them out. Yeah, that’s the tricky part. There’s a reason I hate fussy cutting. I can’t do it. No matter how much I try and practice, I can’t get a smooth cut. Therefore, my Brother Scan ‘n Cut is a… Continue reading

Daily Word – Sword

We often hear that going to church doesn’t make you a Christian. True. But even deeper, knowing God’s Word doesn’t make you one either. Quoting it, swinging it around, doesn’t mean one is right with God. Many hear. Many even sit under the true gospel being preached, perhaps for decades. But, the Word doesn’t profit them; it doesn’t change them. Because there is not humble faith. Rather they are proud hardened hearts. Yet all is known to the Omniscient God. He not only sees their deeds, but also knows their thoughts and attitudes. Knows their hearts. And they will give… Continue reading

Daily Word – Fools

Abigail had a rich husband who was a fool. “she was a woman of good understanding and beautiful appearance; but the man was harsh and evil in his doings.” When David came in peace, after having protected (the husband) Nabal’s property and servants, asking for he/David and his men to join them for the Feast day, selfish greedy Nabal mocked and reviled, and refused to share with hospitality to David and his men. One of Nabal’s servants revealed to Abigail what was going on, that had then incited David to destroy Nabal and his household, adding, Who can talk to… Continue reading

Woven Tag Pockets

I’m still working on pockets (in between other creative projects). I’ve had so much fun with these Woven Tag Pockets; I’ve made many! They are quick and easy, and require very few supplies. But they’re also unique and just plain cute! You can make them in any style you like. These pockets can also be used in a journal or as a stand alone for gifting to others. watch for my upcoming post with Birthday cards made from them. I was inspired by Gayle Agnostinelli’s video on YouTube. Gayle sewed hers and made them a different size. Grab your supplies… Continue reading

Daily Word – Help

When it seems like you are all alone, that there is no one who knows, cares, or wants to help, He is there. He will help, comfort, and always cares. “The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul.” Psalm 121:7 Not only does He care and want to help, He is the All Power. He can and will. “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and earth.” Our help may not come how or when we think. But He IS THE Helper, and He IS doing it. He is God, and He… Continue reading

93 Year Old Therapy

Soul care is a vital part of healing—in all areas of healing. Our souls—mind, emotions, will—must be nurtured for them to be healthy. There are many ways that people, everyone—whether they are abuse survivors or not, nurture their souls. One that I highly endorse for everyone, as well as greatly enjoy myself, is Creativity! Making creative things truly does wonders in our brains, from relaxing the nervous system, to healing trauma, to aiding right thinking and clarity, to increasing brain function and brain power itself. Creativity is my happy place. But I wasn’t expecting treadle sewing itself to be therapeutic…. Continue reading

Daily Word – Comfort

In the healing survivor community we hear a lot about “sharing your story.” Because isolation, gaslighting, minimizing, blame-shifting, intimidation and more of the like are prominent tactics in hidden abuse, there is too much fear for many women to tell anyone what’s going on. As a survivor begins to come out of the dissonance and to gain clarity, she begins to feel safe to, and is encouraged to, share her story with safe people, to aid in her healing. It helps her see the reality of her situation, and the severity and evil of the abuser’s treatment of her. After… Continue reading