God Will Sustain You

💖 My computer screensaver for several years. Take it for you, too.Perhaps not everyone supports you, but God has others that do support you and pray for you, as He sustains you. 💝 Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community on Facebook,and Follow @FreelyWhole on Instagram and hashtag your creations #freelywholecreative Please consider supporting Freely Whole ministries. Your support helps me to continue to provide Soul Healing content, to… Continue reading

Oh Well!

I lived on adrenaline for most of my adult life. But it didn’t serve me well. I’ve gone from superwoman, of 24/7/52 doing it all for everyone, to “Oh well”. At times, over the past several years, I’ve felt “Oh well” had become my mantra. But it was much needed, and served me well. I remember the first time I used that phrase during the divorce process about some deadline that was impossible to meet. “Oh well”. I can only do what I can do. I’m only human. First time I or anyone else acknowledged that? That I wasn’t going… Continue reading

Peeling the Onion

Healing comes in such layers. Sometimes we think things are good, and then another layer of the onion is peeled back, by new triggering events. And again, and again, we feel defeated. Not like conquerors in Christ. Not even like we’ll ever get through the battle. Defeated, alone, and perhaps ready to give up the fight. But somehow (by God’s strength, and those that “bear one another’s burdens” and pray for us) we plow through. We wrestle. We reflect. We process. And eventually we see a small ray of hope. Another layer of healing ❤️‍🩹. We don’t expect that wrestling… Continue reading

In a Mirror Darkly

Do you remember the climbing rope in gym class? You hold on so tight you’re hands are blistered. Hand over hand. After an hour you’re exhausted. You’re pouring out sweat. You’re butt is still nearly dragging the floor. That’s how 2022 feels to me. It’s been a year of hard, exhausting work with no gains. In several areas, I’ve worked hard, thought some negative issues were resolved/over, only for them to rear their ugly or evil heads once again. And the traipse continues on. It’s not that nothing good happened in 2022. Nor that it was full of life shattering… Continue reading

Time the Enemy of Passion

All my grand plans for Christmas crafting have been thwarted. All the clearance priced dies and stamps I’d waited patiently for those prices for, and have been longing to use, sit unopened on my desk. Time chose to be my enemy. Taunting me with promises of soon, only to present another barrier. The bits of downtime were necessary as truly DOWN time, not creative time. Beginning just before ThanksGiving, dad’s hospitalization, nursing home move, my business push, concert performances, finals, out of town workshop, … all took priority. The “needs” of life, pushing out the good, enjoyment of life. Yes…. Continue reading

The King is Come!

This morning the tears are freely flowing. I guess that’s something to rejoice in. It’s an expression. So much in my heart. So much in my thoughts. Always. But the expressions are still slow coming. That’s been the hardest part of recovery /rebuilding for this singer/author/creative. To you, this is just a random “post”. To me, this is an expression of the depths. It is heart and soul. Each year I do a Christmas Carol Countdown on social media, sharing some of my favorite renditions of favorite Christmas songs—old and new. This morning’s is a true mix of very old… Continue reading

ThanksGiving Reflections—In the Midst

I’ve been sharing ThanksGiving #gratitude quotes every day this month. And as I continue to press into gratitude, I also walk through this chapter of the saga. This week holds many Body Keeps the Score messages for me. Ones from previous years are healed, but scars don’t disappear. The reminder is there. Just not the sting. Sometimes of sad things. Sometimes of fearful things. Thankfully happy ones are in the mix. Always of God’s faithfulness. His strength. His love and care. Him getting me through. When I’m feeling something churning inside, and it’s not related to anything currently going on,… Continue reading