Neurographica-Inspired Soul Care

Sometimes we just can’t express in words what we want to say or our feelings. But we all know a picture paints 1000 words. When emotions are bottled up, or we’re feeling stuck and aren’t seeing solutions, art provides a way to release our feelings, emotions and thoughts without words. Creative activity provides that release and relieves stress. But specific artistic techniques can go even further than that. Although all kinds of art, crafting, and other creative expressions can have therapeutic benefits, (and I share many of those types of creative expression on this site,) the therapeutic art exercise I’m… Continue reading

Psalm 7:11 & Experimenting

What do you do when you’ve got a painted background, created long ago, that’s a hot mess? And a verse you also highlighted long ago that you still want to journal? You spend time in God’s Word. You enter into God’s peace and presence. You experiment. And you enjoy the process without worrying about the finished product. Once upon a time, when I was splattering paint here and there, I threw this hot pink paint, sloppily, in the margin (and all over) here. Now was the time to go back and see if I could salvage it. Not to see… Continue reading

Remember His Works

When I am troubled, I will remember his works! He is faithful! “I cried out to God with my voice— To God with my voice; And He gave ear to me. In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; My hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing; My soul refused to be comforted. I remembered God, and was troubled; I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed. —Selah “You hold my eyelids open; I am so troubled that I cannot speak. I have considered the days of old, The years of ancient times. I call to remembrance… Continue reading

Discovery Day

No, I don’t mean the kind that is unearthing a previously unknown continent or landform, or buried city from the past, or a planet, or lifesaving treatment. I mean the dreadful, evil discovery of the unfaithfulness and se*ual betrayal of an adulterous spouse. The proof that every vow made to you was a sham. This discovery that is mind wrenching and soul crushing, is also clarifying and releasing. But you don’t feel that at the time. Yet, now you know and can make decisions accordingly. Now you can finally move forward. But it doesn’t feel like forward can ever come,… Continue reading

Truths for Healing

Truth #1: Post-trauma/ betrayal/ abuse ❤️‍🩹 healing takes commitment, hard work, and proper support/ help. Truth #2: You can do it! You have survived the abuse, you will survive the ❤️‍🩹 healing—and thrive! #SHERO Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Please consider supporting Freely Whole ministries. Your support helps me to continue to provide Soul Healing content, to empower you and others to live a life that is Freely Whole–in Jesus! Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public… Continue reading

Reflections on Independence Day

Today is a traumaversary. But thanks be to God for escape, healing and no triggers bothering me at all! 6 years ago today, was the beginning of the end of my life in abusive bondage. The final act of tyranny that led to my push back, and first steps towards independence, to my life of Freedom, as an autonomous entity. Thus, like the united States, I declared my independence. I fought a hard ugly war to be free from ungodly control and cruelty, with no voice. I was devistated and lost so much, and so many battles, but kept fighting… Continue reading

The Word for Today – Yatom

Today leaves a void for many, whether that is physically, emotionally, or spiritually. For some that void is mourned, especially if a good and loved father has died. For others, it’s the unmet longing for their physical dad to be a spiritual dad also, to be counted among the redeemed children of God. For others, the void is emotional, a dad who isn’t there, who isn’t good, who isn’t who he should be; and that can bring a wide range of emotions. Thankful that one is no longer under his abuse or ramifications of his addictions. Happy to be able… Continue reading

Mixed Media Bible Journaling – John 15

Cling to Jesus. He will never let you go! He is the Vine, we are the branches. When we abide in Him and Him in us, we will bear the fruit of His Spirit. Without Him we can do nothing. This entry includes Stenciling, Die Cutting, and images from my Free Printable! The supplies are all listed below. And below that is a complete video tutorial for creating this page. Supplies I used: Journal the Word Bible – NKJV Free Images Download (and 65# white cardstock, printer, Scan n Cut or scissors) Stencil – Fonds of Foliage by Dylusions Acrylic… Continue reading

God’s Rainbow—His Promise

After writing yesterday’s article, after the unsettling of reading about all the discord, I needed to seek God’s peace for my soul. His rainbow of promise. The promise that He is with us, that He sees, and He saves. Not the “rainbow” that the world is celebrating. I needed some Soul Care and time with Him. I took to my piano. Opened a hymn book. And began to tickle the ivories. The comforting words of those old traditional, solid theology, hymns filled my heart as I played. My soul was soothed. He, and His Truths, brought peace. I found rest… Continue reading

Jesus Wept

This is far from the first time that I find myself weeping at the vicious division in God’s home. It looks just like the world, trying to lord it over others, and each claiming God is on their side. Each claiming this is THE thing that matters most. What I don’t see is Jesus in it. Like the world, there is deliberate division being caused between men and women. Scripture is being used, not as God’s merciful love drawing people to Himself and rescuing them from sin, but as a weapon, twisted or taken out of context, to beat others… Continue reading